We Serve God By Serving Others
At Trinity Lutheran Church, it is our desire for every person to Belong in the community, Grow in Christ-likeness and Serve with their gifts. There is a place for everyone to learn about God, help people, make friends and touch lives through Trinity’s worship, fellowship activities, bible studies, Sunday Sermon Study and service opportunities.

Trinity Women in God's Service
Meet us at a local restaurant for lunch. Dates and times to be determined each month. We would love to see you there!

Men Under God's Sovereignty
Join us the last Friday of each month for
Faith, Food, Fellowship.

No experience necessary.
Just a willing heart to help others.
Create blankets, quilts, and other fabric crafts for local charities.

Shout joyfully to the LORD, all the earth; Break forth and sing for joy and sing praises.
Psalm 98:4
Enjoy beautiful, traditional hymns each Sunday.

Trinity Travelers
Enjoy this lively group of adults and enjoy
fun, food, fellowship, music...

Bringing People Together To Build Homes, Communities, And Hope.
Join our volunteers as they help construct
homes and serve food to volunteers.